The Safest Cloud Storage Manager

RiceDrive is a cloud storage manager for everyone. It is very young. Although it is not the best cloud storage manager, but it is the most secure to manage your cloud storage. Why?

Authorize Cloud Storage At Local

Everyone doesn't like to authorize the cloud storage account to others. You are afraid that your cloud storage data will be stolen. Your worry is right. RiceDrive is also very worried about it. For the security of cloud storage data, RiceDrive can allow your cloud storage authorization is stored at your local, and you can also work with RiceDrive. If your RiceDrive account is logged in elsewhere, the local storage will not be displayed, so nobody can view your storage data. Manage cloud storage at local is RiceDrive's feature, other cloud storage managers do not support it, so the cloud storage data is not secure enough.

Authorize Google Drive

Authorize Cloud Storage At Remote

You can also authorize your cloud storage to RiceDrive with remote. It means that your authorization will be directly saved on RiceDrive's server, and RiceDrive will strictly encrypt these information. This way can make it easier for you to use RiceDrive without any restrictions. If you change the device, you don't need to re-authorize your cloud storage.

Google Drive Files

Login Security

RiceDrive provides two login methods. You can login with any email address or cloud storage account. RiceDrive does not support login with password. Beacause the password is a fixed string, which may affect the security of the account.

Google Drive Files

Security Of Personal Information

You don't need to fill in your phone number, home address or other personal information to get a RiceDrive account. Just enter a valid email address to register RiceDrive. It will make your personal information more secure and avoid the cumbersome registration process.

Google Drive Files

RiceDrive has done a lot of work in security than other cloud storage managers. At present, RiceDrive has supported 20 + cloud storage. Its features include transfering files between cloud storage offline, downloading music and videos from internet to cloud storage, converting the document format, cleaning cloud storage space and sharing files from your cloud storage etc.

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