In the age of modern technological development, the transmission and sharing of data is becoming more and more important. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is a common way to transfer files. It is a standard network protocol for file transfer between computers that allows users to transfer files from one server to another. However, when we need to transfer files from one FTP to another FTP, we may encounter some difficulties and limitations. To solve this problem, we can use the powerful online service RiceDrive. This article will introduce how to easily transfer files from one FTP to another FTP using RiceDrive.

What is RiceDrive?

RiceDrive is a multi-cloud management tool that helps users transfer and sync files between different cloud storage services. It supports many cloud storage services including FTP, Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive and more than 30 cloud storages. With RiceDrive, you can transfer files from one FTP server to another FTP server in just a few steps.

Migrate an FTP to another FTP using RiceDrive

Step 1: Login to RiceDrive and add FTP cloud drives

  • First, you can visit the RiceDrive official website ( and enter the login page. You don't need to register an account, just prepare an email address and accept a verification code to login. Next, go to the "Link Storage" page and select "FTP" as the cloud drive to add.

  • Then, enter the connection information for the first FTP server, including the FTP server address, port, username and password. Click the connect button to add the first FTP server to your RiceDrive.

  • In the Host input box on the left interface, enter the FTP server domain or IP address.

  • Follow the same steps to enter the information for the second FTP server, and then add it to RiceDrive

    Authorize FTP

Note: In the Host address field on the right, you can enter the IP address or domain name. If the default FTP port is not 21, you need to add the port number after the IP address or domain name, like number. In the User field, enter the FTP username. In the Password field, enter the FTP password. Other settings can be left as default.

Step 2: Create an FTP transfer task

  • After successfully adding the two FTP servers to your RiceDrive, you can easily create an FTP to FTP transfer task. On the "Transfer & Download" page, click the "New task" button to start the task creation process.

  • On the create task page, you need to select the FTP site in "Source" and check the files you want to migrate in the file list below. Then in "Destination", select the other FTP and choose a folder as the storage location for the source FTP files. Finally, click the start button to create the transfer task.

  • Authorize Google Drive access to RiceDrive. Again, go to the "Link storage" page, select Google Drive, and click the "Authorize Now" button to start the authorization process.

  • That's it! You can now transfer files from FTP to FTP on RiceDrive! Make sure you have correctly selected the source and destination FTPs as instructed, and carefully set the parameters for the transfer task to ensure successful file transfer.

    FTP to FTP File Transfer Online

Step 3: Monitor task progress and status

  • You can view the progress and status of the transfer in the transfer page. RiceDrive will show the percentage and completed status for each file transfer, to ensure your files are correctly transferred to the destination FTP server.

  • Note that transfer speed is affected by your network connection and FTP server performance. If the files are large or your network speed is slow, the transfer may take some time. But you don't need to keep waiting for the task to complete. You can close RiceDrive and continue working on other important tasks, it will help you complete the transfer automatically in the background.

    ftp task
  • In addition, RiceDrive also provides other features such as scheduled sync, file filtering, filename replacement, etc. These features can help you better manage and organize your files and improve work efficiency.

  • In the transfer task, carefully check the parameter settings to ensure the transfer proceeds as expected. If you need any assistance or encounter any issues, please consult the RiceDrive support team at any time, they will be happy to help.

Step 4: View execution logs

  1. Once the current transfer task is completed, you can go to the task list. In the task list, you can find completed tasks and click on a task to view the detailed logs and results of the task execution.

  2. Reviewing the detailed logs and results of a task can help you understand the specific operations during the transfer process, and whether the transfer completed successfully. This information is very important for you to assess the accuracy and timeliness of the transfer.

    ftp task result
  3. In addition to file transfer between FTPs, RiceDrive also supports file transfer between many other cloud storage services, giving users more flexibility and options. For example, you can transfer files from FTP to Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, MEGA and more, or vice versa. This makes cross-platform file sharing and collaboration between different cloud storages much easier.

Tip: RiceDrive is compatible with multiple platforms, and you can also access the mobile version of RiceDrive to perform these operations.


With RiceDrive, transferring files from one FTP to another becomes simple and efficient. Both individual and enterprise users can benefit from this powerful multi-cloud storage management tool. It not only provides convenient file transfer capabilities, but can also help simplify your file management and organization process. Whether you need frequent file transfers for work, or to back up files across multiple FTP servers, it is a tool worth trying out.

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