Backing up important files and data is a critical part of any organization's business continuity plan. However, managing backups across different servers, databases, and cloud platforms can be complex and time-consuming. This is where a tool like RiceDrive comes in handy.

RiceDrive is a free online service that simplifies backups by copying files and data between various cloud storage drives, servers, and databases. A key benefit is the ability to backup SFTP servers and databases directly to Google Drive for safe offsite storage.

In this guide, we'll cover how to use RiceDrive to schedule automated backups of your SFTP files and SQL databases to Google Drive.

Getting Started with RiceDrive

First, go to RiceDrive and sign up for a free account. Connect both your Google Drive and SFTP you want to backup.

Under the "Transfer & Download" tab, you can configure and schedule backups for both SFTP and database sources. Let's go through the steps for each.

Backing Up SFTP to Google Drive

To backup an SFTP server:

  1. Click "Backup SFTP Server".

  2. Enter the SFTP server details like domain/IP, port, username, and password. A private key can also be used for authentication.

    Add SFTP
  3. Select the Google Drive destination folder to store the backups.

    Select destination folder
  4. Choose backup frequency (daily, weekly) and preferred time.

    Set a schedule
  5. Select specific files/folders to backup or backup everything. Folder structures can be retained.

  6. Choose whether to replace older backups with new ones or keep all file versions.

    Set File Exist Action to replace older backups

Once configured, the scheduled SFTP backups will automatically run on the set schedule. RiceDrive will securely connect to the SFTP server, archive the selected files and folders, and copy the backup archive to the Google Drive destination.

Backup process logs are available to monitor job status, troubleshoot issues, and ensure backups complete successfully each time. Failed backups are automatically retried per the configured policy.

Backing Up SQL Databases to Google Drive

The process for backing up SQL Server or MySQL databases is similar:

  1. Set up a scheduled backup of your database on the SFTP server

    • Create a folder (mkdir mysql_backup)

    • chmod +x mysql_backup

    • Create a file vi /home/

    • Copy the following contents into

      mysqldump -u{Your username} -p{Your Password} {Your database name} | gzip > /home/mysql_backup/{Your database name}$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S).sql.gz

    • ESC and enter :wq! to save the file.

    • chmod +x /home/

    • Use the command crontab -e, and copy the following, which indicates backing up the database every day at 3:43 pm:

      43 15 * * * /bin/bash /home/ >> /home/back.log 2>&1

    • ESC and enter :wq! to save the crontab.

  2. Select the folder where you just backed up your database (mysql_backup) as the source.

  3. Choose Google Drive destination to store the database backups.

  4. Set backup frequency and preferred backup time.

  5. Click Start up, the task will back up to your Google Drive at the specified time.

RiceDrive will follow the configured schedule, using the provided credentials to access the database and create a backup. This database backup file is then archived and transferred to the chosen Google Drive folder for cloud storage.

As with SFTP backups, detailed logs are available to monitor backup jobs and troubleshoot any issues. Failed backups are automatically retried to ensure backups are successful.

Create task for backup database to Google Drive

Advantages of Backing Up to Google Drive

There are several advantages of using Google Drive as a backup destination:

  • Cloud storage is low cost, flexible, and infinitely scalable. No need to maintain expensive on-premises storage hardware.

  • Google Drive offers high reliability and uptime for keeping backups accessible 24/7.

  • Backups are stored offsite from your servers for protection against local disasters like fires or floods.

  • Google Drive supports automatic revision history and file versioning for easily recovering older backups when needed.

  • Sharing permissions allow backups to be accessed by multiple authorized users across locations.

  • Backups can be downloaded directly from Google Drive for quick restores back into your live databases and servers.

  • Google Drive provides built-in redundancy across multiple data centers for maximum data protection.

Additional RiceDrive Backup Features

RiceDrive offers a robust platform for managing your scheduled backups:

  • Support for backing up unlimited SFTP, SQL, NAS, AWS S3 sources to unlimited Google Drive accounts.

  • Custom retention policies to overwrite old backups on a schedule or keep all versions forever.

  • Regular backup email reports for proactive monitoring and visibility into backup operations.

  • Remote backups so no VPN required between servers and cloud storage.

  • 256-bit AES encryption in transit and at rest for secure protection of your backup data.

  • Alerts for failed backups so you are notified to take immediate action.

  • Free trial of premium RiceDrive features like server-side encryption and faster transfer speeds.

In summary, RiceDrive provides a simple and reliable way to schedule ongoing backups of your business's SFTP and database sources to Google Drive. Automating this process reduces your IT management burden while ensuring your data is protected offsite in the cloud. The end result is one less thing to worry about so you can focus on your core operations and serving customers.

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